Use this space to discuss the broad category of "Democracy". If you have picked two specific areas of concern make sure you engage and/or initiate conversations for both.
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Prohibiting same-sex citizens from marrying denies them their civil rights. In a historic ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution guarantees the right of same-sex couples to marry, invalidating gay marriage bans nationwide.
Requiring citizens to sanction same-sex relationships violates moral and religious beliefs of millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims and others, who believe marriage is the
union of one man and one woman.
Same sex marriages are more likely to get divorced than opposite sex marriages.
Abby Kemnitz said...
Voting has been in decline since the Mid-1980's, asking the question if politically motivated minorities can be said to represent an overall population. Some see Non-voters as an act of disengagement from a political system or a case of failing morals and apathy but a study by the Pew Research polls states that there were only modest differences between the voters and nonvoters over the issues and opinions of the major parties. Some fear that the shrinking of voting could be a threat to Democracy, yet some think active political participation is more effective.
1. Being apart of active political participation has a significant effect on voting.
2. Nonvoters and voters have a slight difference on the opinions and issues of the majoring parties.
3. Voting has been on the rise since the Mid-1980's and is increasing.
In response to Abby, 3 is false since she stated right away that voting has been in a decline since the mid 1980's
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